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NSSTA CSSC Diversity Scholarship


Calling all industry professionals with at least two years of experience!

In case you missed it, NSSTA is offering an amazing opportunity to those who’d like to participate in the new CSSC® program at University of Texas – Austin October 11-14 and could use some financial assistance.

Two CSSC® scholarships are being offered to members to encourage and support diversity in our industry. The deadline to apply is August 1, 2022. Click HERE to learn more and apply.

About the NSSTA CSSC Diversity Scholarship

Diversity encompasses the range of human differences, including but not limited to age, ethnicity, gender, gender identification, physical ability, race, religion, sexual orientation, and social class. The NSSTA CSSC® Diversity Scholarship is intended to increase diversity and equity among underrepresented groups within the settlement planning industry. NSSTA members who identify as part of an underrepresented community based on the definition of diversity above are encouraged to apply. The scholarship will provide for all program fees and materials for up to 2 recipients which includes hotel and all meals. (Excludes travel). Application deadline for submittal: August 1, 2022. CLICK here to APPLY.

NSSTA CSSC® - The University of Texas

The NSSTA Certified Structured Settlement Consultant (CSSC®) is the industry’s oldest and most respected designation, establishing educational standards for structured settlement professionals throughout the nation. The NSSTA CSSC® Program provides a comprehensive understanding of structured settlements, combining academic rigor and perspective with the latest developments impacting the industry.

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